Estrategia - Relaciones Internacionales - Historia y Cultura de la Guerra - Hardware militar. Nuestro lema: "Conocer para obrar"
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viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015

Las maniobras navales de Brasil.

Brazil’s Navy Launches Biggest Operation in its History.

SAO PAULO – The Brazilian navy announced Wednesday its biggest operation ever, with 15,000 service members, 250 vessels and 10 aircraft deployed to police the country’s lakes, rivers and 8,500-kilometers (5,250 miles) of Atlantic coastline.

Operation “Amazonia Azul” (Blue Amazonia) reflects the strategic importance Brazilian leaders have given to enforcing jurisdiction over the country’s territorial waters.

The initiative also helps prepare the navy for its role in defending the massive undersea oil reserves off the coasts of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo states and serves as a test run for security measures that will surround the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.

“This is the second operation of its kind in a year, but it is the largest to date as it involves all the navy’s resources,” a naval spokesman told Efe.

The week-long operation, which includes inspection of vessels and suppression of illegal activities in Brazilian waters, will end on Saturday.

Twenty-three of the 835 craft inspected so far were seized due to irregularities, the navy said.

Another aspect of the Brazilian navy’s Atlantic defense strategy includes the construction of five submarines, one of them nuclear-powered.

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