¿Podrá el Presidente Obama, si es reelecto cumplir sus promesas electorales de mejorar las relaciones de su país con el resto del mundo, especialmente con el musulmán?

The Obama doctrine's first term by Joseph S.
ASPEN -- Public-opinion polls in the
United States indicate a close presidential election in November. While
President Barack Obama outpolls the Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, on
foreign policy, slow economic growth and high unemployment -- issues that are
far more salient in US elections -- favor Romney. And, even on foreign policy,
Obama's critics complain that he has failed to implement the transformational
initiatives that he promised four years ago. Are they right?
Obama came to power when both the US and the world economy were in the midst
of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Indeed, some of
Obama's economic advisers counseled him that unless urgent steps were taken to
stimulate the economy, there was a one-in-three chance of entering a full-scale
Thus, although Obama also inherited two ongoing wars, nuclear-proliferation
threats from Iran and North Korea, and the continuing problem of al-Qaeda's
terrorism, his early months in office were devoted to addressing the economic
crisis at home and abroad. His efforts were not a complete success, but he
managed to stave off the worst outcome.
Obama's rhetoric during his 2008 campaign and the first months of his
presidency was both inspirational in style and transformational in objective.
His first year in office included a speech in Prague in which he established the
goal of a nuclear-free world; a speech in Cairo promising a new approach to the
Muslim world; and his Nobel Peace Prize speech, which promised to “bend history
in the direction of justice.”
In part, this series of speeches was tactical. Obama needed to meet his
promise to set a new direction in foreign policy while simultaneously managing
to juggle the issues left to him by George W. Bush, any of which, if dropped,
could still cause a crisis for his presidency. Nonetheless, there is no reason
to believe that Obama was being disingenuous about his objectives. His worldview
was shaped by the fact that he spent part of his youth in Indonesia and had an
African father.
In the words of a recent Brookings Institution book, Obama had an “activist
vision of his role in history,” intending to “refurbish America's image abroad,
especially in the Muslim world; end its involvement in two wars; offer an
outstretched hand to Iran; reset relations with Russia as a step toward ridding
the world of nuclear weapons; develop significant cooperation with China on both
regional and global issues; and make peace in the Middle East.” But his record
of achievement on these issues has been mixed.
“Seemingly intractable circumstances turned him from the would-be architect
of a new global order into a leader focused more on repairing relationships and
reacting to crises -- most notably the global economic crisis,” the report
continued. And while he eliminated Osama bin Laden and weakened al-Qaeda, some
counterterrorism policies ended up undercutting his appeal in places like the
Middle East and Pakistan.
Some of the half-empty glasses were the result of intractable events; some
were the product of early naiveté, such as the initial approaches to Israel,
China and Afghanistan. But Obama was quick to recover from mistakes in a
practical way. As one of his supporters put it, he is a “pragmatic idealist.”
In this sense, though Obama did not back away from rhetorical expressions of
transformational goals regarding such issues as climate change or nuclear
weapons, in practice his pragmatism was reminiscent of more incremental
presidential leaders like Dwight Eisenhower or George H. W. Bush. Despite his
relative inexperience in international affairs, Obama showed a similar skill in
reacting to a complex set of foreign-policy challenges. This was demonstrated by
his appointments of experienced advisers, careful management of issues and,
above all, keen contextual intelligence.
This is not to say that Obama has had no transformational effects. He changed
the course of an unpopular policy in Iraq and Afghanistan; embraced
counter-insurgency tactics based on less costly uses of military and cyber
power; increased American soft power in many parts of the world; and began to
shift America's strategic focus to Asia, the global economy's fastest-growing
With respect to Iran, Obama struggled to implement UN-approved sanctions and
avoid a premature war. And, while the Arab Spring revolutions presented him with
an unwelcome surprise, after some hesitation he came down on what he regarded as
the side of history.
In a new book, “Confront and Conceal,” David Sanger describes what he calls
an “Obama Doctrine” (though he faults the president for not communicating it
more clearly): a lighter military footprint, combined with a willingness to use
force unilaterally when American security interests are directly involved;
reliance on coalitions to deal with global problems that do not directly
threaten US security; and “a rebalancing away from the Middle East quagmires
toward the continent of greatest promise in the future -- Asia.”
The contrast between the killing of Bin Laden and the intervention in Libya
illustrates the Obama Doctrine. In the former case, Obama personally managed a
unilateral use of force, which involved a raid on Pakistani territory. In the
latter case, where national interests were not as clear, he waited until the
Arab League and the UN had adopted resolutions that provided the legitimacy
needed to ensure the right soft-power narrative, and then shared the leadership
of the hard-power operation with NATO allies.
The long-term effect of the Obama Doctrine will require more time to assess,
but, as he approaches the November election, Obama appears to have an edge over
his opponent in foreign policy. Obama has not bent the arc of history in the
transformational way to which he aspired in his campaign four years ago, but his
shift to a pragmatic approach may turn out to be a good thing, particularly if
voters continue to have doubts about the economy.
*Joseph S. Nye is a professor at Harvard University and the author of
“The Future of Power.” © Project Syndicate 2012 |
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